The Disclosure Project message is getting out and things are moving quickly in Congress. We need your help in gathering more precise & accurate information.
Urgent request from Dr. Steven Greer
It is all over the news about UFOs now (The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023), but there is a blackout on THE TRUTH that many of these vehicles and those masquerading as ET beings are man-made to create a war in space.
This must be stopped. THE TRUTH must come out. We need your help.
Dr. Greer wants to emphasize 4 important things.
1. There are rogue projects – USAPs – Unacknowledged Special Access Projects that masquerade as officially sanctioned actions by the legal US government. They are NOT permitted, and they have no Executive or Legislative oversight.
2. Because these projects dealing with UFOs/UAPs and ARVs (alien reproduction vehicles) are illegal, your NDAs are invalid, and loyalty to them is unnecessary. If the legal US government approaches you about these projects, you should fully cooperate with the legal entities approaching you.
3. We urgently need detailed information about the sites where these projects are being run with specific details as to the locations of the sites, the DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) and more.
4. We also urgently need whistleblowers to come forward who were/are part of these rogue projects involved in animal mutilations, alleged alien abductions, murders, arms and human trafficking as it relates to UFOs /UAPs and ARVs.
Suppose you have first-hand knowledge related to items #3 and #4. PLEASE write to [email protected].
We must prove to Congress, the Executive branch, The Pentagon and the public that these rogue projects are real and dangerous and threaten world peace and peace in the Universe.
Take courage from the brave men who came forward at the National Press Club on June 12, 2023. (June 12, 2023, Press Conference) The world needs an army of these brave individuals to step forward with THE TRUTH.
Thank you so much.