It is critical that the truth come out about UAPs/UFOs: what the government knows and what is going on in illegal classified programs, known as Unacknowledged Special Access Projects. The release of this information is not about merely satisfying curiosity; its disclosure impacts everything, from critical energy policy to the Congress using its mandated oversight authority.
The only way the truth can come out is via OPEN hearings with Congress having subpoena power.
By and large, the Unacknowledged Special Access Projects related to UAPs are run outside Congressional oversight and therefore are ILLEGAL. Whistleblowers and those who may have to be subpoenaed cannot hide behind National Security when what they have been involved in is illegal in its very construction Moreover, NDAs (Non – Disclosure Agreements) are not valid if they were signed with and are covering up illegal projects.
Please urge your Senators and Congressmen to have OPEN hearings that encourage firsthand testimony about these projects. The Disclosure Project has hundreds of witnesses to these illegal projects, some of whom held positions of authority within the last ten years. There is a wealth of critical information that the public needs to hear.
We realize there are many of you who receive his newsletter live outside the United States.
Unfortunately we have no way to know which government officials to contact in all countries or how your specific country is dealing with the UAP/UFO issue.
You may want to use this message above to contact appropriate officials whom you know are interested in or dealing with the UAP issue.