Document Library

Title Content Categories ID Link hf:doc_categories
“Black Budget” from the National Journal – April 1987 18578 related-papers
17 November 1990 18556
19. Ministry of Defense 2007 18558
1999 Greer reply to CNI news 18560
1999 Woolsey Petersen letter 18562
A Harvest of Fear The pursuit of truth requires the ability to see beyond the appearance of things to the meaning and substance behind the forms. In no field … 16837 dr-greer-papers
Abductions: Not All That Glitters Is Gold Since the late 1970s, there has been an unprecedented focus in the UFO subculture and pop media on the subject of socalled “alien abductions”. A … 18566 dr-greer-papers
Air Force Summary 18568 sighting-of-ufo-off-the-newfoundland-coast-february-10-1951 unidentified-incidents
ancient DNA mutations 18572
Animal “Mutilations” and the ETs   The reports of livestock animals that were being dissected under strange and inexplicable circumstance first started appearing in the 1970s. Some of the incidents … 23872 dr-greer-papers
ARV Testimony by Michael Herrera September 30th on the western coast of Indonesia, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake caused a lot of devastation to the Western Area of Sumatra. Padang City … 26485 disclosure-documents
Atacama Humanoid Still A Mystery 23874
BeardenPrecursor 18574
BeardenSolution 18576
Bond U Map with Directions 18582
Briefing for President Clinton by Steven M. Greer, MD (1996) FROM: Steven M. Greer M.D., Director of CSETI RE: UFO Military/Government Witnesses 15 November 1996 To: President William Jefferson Clinton Vice President Al Gore National … 17398 presidential-briefings
Briefing for President Obama by Steven M. Greer MD (2009) 17384 presidential-briefings
Briefing Papers Prepared for ‘Outside the Box’ Tech — Theodore Loder 18705 related-papers
Callahan Introduction 18584
Callahan Personnel Statements 18586
CE 5 Initiative Transcript 18588
Chadwell 1952 18592
Chadwell 2 18590
Chile Specimen_GPN Summary 18594
CIA Brief 12 10 52 18596
Clinton Docs 18598
Coherent Thought Sequencing Transcript 18600
Commander A.L. Jones Witness Report 18602 sighting-of-ufo-off-the-newfoundland-coast-february-10-1951 unidentified-incidents
comments from intelligence source 18604
Comprehensive Assessment of the UFO/ETI Phenomenon A comprehensive analysis of the UFO phenomenon, as well as original research and experiences of members of the CSETI CE-5 Initiative Working Group, has enabled … 23875 dr-greer-papers
Cosmic Deception The testimony of hundreds of government, military and corporate insiders has established this: That UFOs are real, that some are built by our secret ‘black’ … 18606 dr-greer-papers
Cosmos-The Holographic Conscious Universe Presentation (8 Slides ) containing the following: Cosmos-The Holographic Conscious Universe States of Consciousness Innate Siddhis / Human and ET Potential Levels of Civilization 23876 dr-greer-papers
Criteria for Device 18608
DDT: Decoy, Distract and Trash A former high official at the NSA (National Security Agency) told me about a protocol informally dubbed DDT – that old poisonous chemical long-banned in … 23877 dr-greer-papers
Deadline Expires on CSETI Ultimatum (Jan. 1997) In a letter dated 15 November 1996 (Click here for the original letter), CSETI Project Starlight stated the position that, since projects related to UFOs … 18775 press-releases-and-newsletters
Diagram of Encounter 18613 sighting-of-ufo-off-the-newfoundland-coast-february-10-1951 unidentified-incidents
Disclosure and 9/11: An Analysis For nearly 10 years we have been meeting with senior CIA, Pentagon and political figures, advocating a general disclosure on so-called UFOs, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and … 18615 dr-greer-papers
Disclosure and Transformation   Amid the clamor of a world hurtling towards the next century, a great secret has been kept from humanity which may hold the key … 23878 dr-greer-papers
Disclosure Announcement for World Leaders (DRAFT) Dr. Greer wrote this speech as a DRAFT template that could be adapted by any world leader to announce that we are not alone in … 18769 dr-greer-papers
Disclosure Project Executive Summary 18635 disclosure-documents
Dr. Greer’s Response to Former CIA Director Woolsey’s Denial of Meeting (1999) In 1993, Dr. Steven Greer met with CIA Director James Woolsey for a covert briefing on the topic of UFOs under the guise of a dinner party. In … 17387 letters-and-briefings
Eisenhower Briefing by MAJI – Nov 1952 18619 letters-and-briefings
Email to Nolan re Russian specimen 18621
Energy 18623
Energy Suppression Gary_V 18627
Energy1 18625
EnergyTFR 18629
EPWoutofboxBrief 18631
ET Contact: The Implications — Theodore Loder 18693 related-papers
Exopolitics Or Xenopolitics? We have watched with some concern as the emerging area of exo-politics has taken a dangerous and potentially ruinous turn towards rumor, urban-myth speculation and … 18637 dr-greer-papers
Extraterrestrials and the New Cosmology The universe is teeming with intelligent life. In fact, the universe itself is intelligent and alive. The multiplicity of life in the universe, while diverse, … 18633 dr-greer-papers
FBI Tesla 18639
Genetics Society of America 2006 18641
Genetics Society of America 2006 1 18643
Going Tactical As the cancer of terrorism metastasizes around the world, we would do well to pause and analyze how we got here – and how we … 18645 dr-greer-papers
Griffin 18649
Guy Hottel 1950 18651
haines paper 18653
Hope A few months ago, I had a very lucid dream early one morning before rising. A thought – recurring and insistent – entered my mind, … 17402 dr-greer-papers
Hope 18655
Hustler Magazine, November 2005 18647 interviews-with-dr-greer
Implications for the Environment, World Peace, World Poverty and the Human Future For most people, the question of whether or not we are alone in the universe is a mere philosophical musing — something of academic interest … 23879 dr-greer-papers
Inflation – Theory Implications for ET Visitation — Deardorff, Haisch, Maccabee, Puthoff 18564 related-papers
Inside the ABC News UFO Doc Hoax Of course, the title of the show was. This is the story of how, once again, the corrupt Big Media has defrauded the American people, … 23880 dr-greer-papers
Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong — Steven Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists 18774 related-papers
Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong — Steven Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong — Steven Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists 23888
Iridium Flares 18657
Keay 1952 18659
Key Chairmen of Congressional Committees put on Notice (1997) 17391 letters-and-briefings
key_to_et_messages 18661
La Semaine Magazine, May 2007 18663 interviews-with-dr-greer
Leaked Notes of Admiral Wilson to Eric Davis 18665 disclosure-documents
letter 2 18667
Letter to Clinton Administration (with response) (1995) 17400 letters-and-briefings
March 2018 report from reknowned Cal Tech PhD geneticist re Nolan report 18683
March 25 2018 from CTG to SD website 18673
March 25 2018 from CTG to SD website 1 18675
March 29 2018 1 18677
March 30 2018 18679
March 30 2018 1 18681
Media Play Conventional Wisdom has it that we live in a free and open society with a free press, which plays the role of a key check … 18685 dr-greer-papers
MediaResponseToMay9thEvent 18687
Meditation References 18689
Memorandum to President Trump Since the 1950s, the UFO/UAP subject has been handled by a corrupt deep state transnational organization whose power has grown to a level that it … 28272 presidential-briefings
mixed bag ad final 18691
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Document 17403 disclosure-documents
National Security Implications of the UFO/ETI Subject National security implications of the UFO/ETI subject are profound and far-reaching, albeit currently unrecognized. These implications may be considered in separate but related aspects: those … 25802 dr-greer-papers
naval intelligence report 18695
NORAD Log 18669 malmstrom-air-force-base-incident-march-16-1967 unidentified-incidents
Nov_2014_Ecard_the science of consciousness and et contact 18697
November 17 1990 document 18699
NRO Doc 18701
obama briefing introduction 18703 presidential-briefings
One Universe – One People One of the greatest tasks humanity has faced throughout history is the establishment of peace and unity among differing and diverse peoples. Superficial, external and … 25804 dr-greer-papers
Open Letter to PI-40 (1996) * Note: PI-40 is the acronym last mentioned to me as the code for the group controlling covert operations dealing with the UFO/ET issue. It … 17397 letters-and-briefings
Orion Project Memorandum — Summary of New Energy Technology (2009) 17385 letters-and-briefings
Outside the Box — Theodore Loder 18747 related-papers
Panama Sighting Docs 18707
Peer Review 1 18709
Peer Reviewer 2 18711
Petaluma Slides 18713
PI40 18715
Pilot Graham Bethune Witness Report 18717 sighting-of-ufo-off-the-newfoundland-coast-february-10-1951 unidentified-incidents
Ralph Lachman MD report 18719
RECOMMENDED ADDRESS TO THE WORLD REGARDING UAP/NHI Extraterrestrial civilizations have been visiting Earth for some time, demonstrating advanced technologies and a concern for humanity’s war-making capabilities and environmental degradation. It is imperative … , 27944 dr-greer-papers letters-and-briefings
Rendlesham Forest Halt Memo 18721 rendlesham-forest-incident-december-27-1980 unidentified-incidents
Reports of Incident 18671 malmstrom-air-force-base-incident-march-16-1967 unidentified-incidents
Response to DNI Report – June 2021 Response to DNI Report – June 2021 The DNI Report on “UAPs”: UFO Coverup 2.0 23883
Response to DNI Report – June 2021 The DNI report on so-called UAPs (a made-up psy ops name created to obfuscate the truth…) is, as predicted,the usual US government cover-up, but with … 25806 dr-greer-papers
roswell 18723
ScienceArticle1 18725
Second Commander Fred Kingdon Witness Report 18727 sighting-of-ufo-off-the-newfoundland-coast-february-10-1951 unidentified-incidents
Senior CIA official 18729
Sentinels of Ether The chapters and the accompanying Department of Defense letter were given to Dr. Greer after this individual heard the testimony of Michael Hererra.  He wanted … 26489 disclosure-documents
sgbio dec 2011 18731
signed Lachman report 18733
SMG report 4 22 2013 FINAL COMPLETE 18735
SMG report 4 22 2013 FINAL REVISED 18737
Spectrum of Reality 18739
SpiritofMaatArticleMarch2003edited updatedApril2011 18741
Sporade objectives 2007 18743
Sporade objectives 2007 translation 2015 18745
Steven Greer – Larry King Live – UFO Cover-Up – Oct 1, 1994 Two-hour Larry King Special, produced by CNN but broadcast on TNT. Larry King brings his talk show to the desert outside Area 51 for a … 23887
TEF 18749
The Crossing Point Experience and observation combined with insight often yield a new breakthrough into truth and the nature of reality. Science (and the pursuit of truth in … 18610 dr-greer-papers
The Foundations of Interplanetary Unity The evidence that at least one extraterrestrial civilization has visited Earth is extensive both in scope and detail. In its totality it comprises a body … 25808 dr-greer-papers
The Imperative Of Consciousness When we speak of interacting with ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) , we are, after all, talking about reaching out to advanced conscious intelligent beings, and not … 25815 dr-greer-papers
The Joe Rogan Experience, March 2013 17404 interviews-with-dr-greer
The New Earth Incubator Fund For over 100 years, advances in electromagnetic systems have allowed for the creation of over-unity (more out-put than manmade input) power generation via the zero-point … 25813 dr-greer-papers
The Unacknowledged Terror Nearly ten years ago, I learned of a category of deep black, illegal projects within the military, intelligence and corporate world known as Unacknowledged Special … 18751 dr-greer-papers
The Unacknowledged Threat The Disclosure Project, an NGO based in the United States, has identified several hundred military, intelligence and corporate witnesses to illegal and extra-constitutional projects that … 25811 dr-greer-papers
Top Ten Overunity Devices of the Last 100 Years , 22800 new-energy related-papers
Translation Sept 2015 MinDef letter 18753
TTSA Team 18755
Unacknowledged Can the government keep a secret? A really big secret – the biggest of all time? When the peccadillos of every politician and government leader … 18757 dr-greer-papers
Understanding UFO Secrecy Over the past few years I have had the responsibility of briefing senior government and scientific leaders both in the US and abroad on the … 18759 dr-greer-papers
United States Government Versus Illegal Secret Government – Strategic Technology Disadvantages The constitutional United States Government (USG) needs detailed information on rogue unconstitutional Illegal Secret Government (ISG) UAP/UFO and related technologies in order to properly investigate … 25929 dr-greer-papers
Unless Otherwise Directed (UNOD ) letter – (1996) 17393 letters-and-briefings
UNOD follow up open letter – (1997) At 12 a.m. 1 January 1997 the deadline expired for US Government correction of our previously stated position that military, intelligence and other government related … 17395 letters-and-briefings
USAPs and Black Budget – Jane’s International Defense Review — January 2000 18580 related-papers
Walter Smith Flying Saucers 18761
whatwillweeat 18763
When Disclosure Serves Secrecy Ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and … 25771 dr-greer-papers
Wisdom From the ETs 18765
Witness Overview 18617 disclosure-documents
WorkingGroupManual 18767
Zero Point Energy – Aviation Week and Space Technology – March 2004 , 18771 nro-documents related-papers