Active Disinformation: Involves false experiences which are induced and which result in a very sophisticated manipulation of individual and group perspectives and experiences.
Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV): Replicas of extraterrestrial craft made on Earth.
Anthropocentric: Interpreting reality exclusively in terms of human values and experience.
Astral (Light) Beings: Beings that originate from the Earth or non-Earth. They are deceased previously biological humans, ET Biological Life Forms or are beings from the astral or causal realms.
Astral Body Projection: The presentation of a human, ET or other biological life form in its subtle, non-biological component; this may be perceived by another biological life form in either waking state or while asleep in a dream state.
Astral Projection: The ability to project at will the subtle astral, or light body, to a point in time and space outside the biological body.
Bi-location: The ability to manifest a body or object in two or more points simultaneously in the time/space continuum.
Black Projects: A classified, compartmentalized, unacknowledged military/defense project requiring special access even for those with a top secret clearance. Also known as unacknowledged special access projects (USAPS).
CAT: Consciousness Assisted Technologies
Category 52: A code term for ET spacecraft used at NORAD.
Causal (Thought) Beings: Beings that originate from the Earth or non-Earth. They are deceased previously biological humans, deceased ET biological life forms or are beings from the astral or causal realms.
Causal (Thought) Body Presentation: The perception of another biological life form in its most subtle individual aspect, the thought essence “body,‟ which may be projected without either biological or astral body components.
CE-1: A Close Encounter of the 1st Kind is a sighting of an extraterrestrial spacecraft within 500 feet.
CE-2: A Close Encounter of the 2nd Kind involves trace evidence of a landing or a radar lock-on.
CE-3: A Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind is the sighting of a life form, usually in association with a spacecraft.
CE-4: A Close Encounter of the 4th Kind involves interaction with ET beings, usually aboard a spacecraft.
CE-5: A Close Encounter of the 5th Kind produced through the conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative communication in a meeting with Extraterrestrial Biological Entities and/or their spacecraft. The encounters are described as joint, bilateral contact events instead of unilateral contact events.
CE-5 Level 1: An encounter involving a fly-by situation with some type of limited interaction, one example is signaling.
CE-5 Level 2: An encounter where there is hovering or a near-landing approach occurs with clear signaling back and forth.
CE-5 Level 3: An encounter involving a landing of ET spacecraft and an ET Biological Entity has emerged.
CE-5 Level 4: An encounter leading to a boarding party going onto an ET craft.
CE-5 Level 5: An encounter in which a boarding party departs in the ET spacecraft for an unknown period of time.
Celestial Perception: Perception involving both physical biological senses and higher conscious sensing which enables a being to perceive aspects of both physical and nonphysical realities in their most subtle and refined aspects.
CIV: Conscious-Intelligent Visual
Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS): A specific technique wherein a series of coherent, sequenced thought projections are used, while in the silent state of mind, to guide a spacecraft from space or from some distant point into a research site.
Consciousness Assisted Technologies (CAT): Technologies that utilize the nexus where individual or group mind/conscious thought interfaces with a receptive machine, communication device, etc.
Conscious-Intelligent Visual (CIV): A subtle aspect, sometimes referred to as the “astral,” which has within it the blueprint causal or idea/thought/sound of the causal world. It is “seen” or visible as expressed thought-related forms.
Contact Trilogy: CSETI communication protocols designed to establish a CE-5 with EBEs, ETS or ETI by using modalities of light, sound and thought.
Cosmic Consciousness: Pure unbounded consciousness while awake or in sleep and with dreams; the first “higher state of consciousness.”
Cosmological Confusion: Bewilderment and confusion that results when humans are faced with information that causes them to rethink their entire understanding of reality, such as when confronted with the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life forms. This confusion occurs due to advanced extraterrestrial technology that appears “supernatural,” overlap and misunderstanding of various paranormal phenomenon, and human covert programs designed to confuse, mislead and deceive society on the extraterrestrial question.
CSETI: Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
CTS: Coherent Thought Sequencing
DDT: “Decoy, Distract, and Trash.” Utilized by sophisticated intelligence operatives to set up some person or group, take them off the trail of something real and important, and trash the person or the subject.
Disclosure Project: A project born from CSETI with the goal to de-classify and disclose all information on extraterrestrial-related issues the U.S. government has classified and kept secret; formerly known as Project Starlight.
Disinformation: Passive disinformation is when false information placed into individual or public awareness via conventional communication means. Active disinformation involves false experiences which are induced and which result in a very sophisticated manipulation of individual and group perspectives and experiences.
Dematerialization: The ability of a life form to make unmanifest a material object using the mind/matter interface.
Department of Defense (DOD): The federal department charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government relating directly to national security and the military.
Dream State Abilities: The experience of precognition, postcognition, remote viewing or lucid dreaming while in the dream state.
DOD: Department of Defense
EBE: Extraterrestrial Biological Entity
ETI: Extraterrestrial Intelligence
ETLF: Extraterrestrial Life Forms
ETS: Extraterrestrial Spacecraft
Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs): Intelligent, higher life forms existing initially in a biological body and native to various planets other than Earth.
Extraterrestrial Life Forms: “People” from other planets.
High Strangeness: The inexplicable effects and synchronicity of events related to and occurring before, during and after research missions, various Close Encounters, or ETS sightings.
Flow Consciousness: A transcendent, non-linear aspect of mind which is very calm, very stable, very clear and which is beyond fear.
God Consciousness: As with Cosmic Consciousness, but perception is broadened to include “celestial perception,” perception of finest aspects of relative creation.
Intuitive Knowing: The ability to know detailed and reliable information and insights, via non-local mind and so-called inner knowing, without the aid of conventional outward means of knowing.
Iridium Flares: A relatively small communications satellite (Iridium) provides spectacular visible flares to ground observers when sunlight reflects off of its antenna. These flares can be predicted based on known orbit and attitude (orientation) information.
Levitation: The annihilation of gravitational influences via subtle mind interactions with either a body or other material objects
Lock-On: The moment when intelligent signaling or coherent thought to a spacecraft and its occupants is returned in kind.
Lucid Dream: A dream in which the person is aware that they are dreaming while the dream is in progress. It is often possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment.
Materialization: The ability of a life form to make manifest a material object using the mind/matter interface.
National Command Authorities (NCA): Comprised of the President and Secretary of Defense together with their duly deputized alternates or successors. The term NCA is used to signify constitutional authority to direct the Armed Forces in their execution of military action.
National Security Agency (NSA): A component of the Department of Defense responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and for protecting U.S. government communications and information systems.
NCA: National Command Authorities
NDE: Near Death Experience
Near Death Experience: The experience of the transient separation of the subtle or astral body from the physical biological body due to bodily illness or injury. May involve perception of the so-called “next world” in a brief experience of the non-material, subtle aspect of the cosmos.
Non-traditional Healing Abilities: The ability to heal self or another life form by way on non-physical and non-technological means, either remotely or in person. These abilities and modalities are diverse and may include mind/body interactions, subtle astral body/body interactions and others.
NSA: National Security Agency
OBE: Out of Body Experience
OEO: Objects of Extraterrestrial Origin
One Mind/Pure Mind: The ultimate state of oneness; any conscious life form may be experienced or perceived as pure, unbounded mind; by definition, every conscious life form is essentially non-local, pure mind.
Other Biological Life Forms: On Earth, organisms such as dolphins and cetaceans, which are thought to be highly intelligent and yet non-human; theoretically, other planets may possess corollaries to these as anthropomorphic intelligent biological life forms.
Out of Body Experience: An experience in which a person’s consciousness departs from the body, enabling observation of the world from a point of view other than that of the physical body and by means other than those of the physical senses.
Override: A spontaneous, direct remote view.
Passive Disinformation: False information placed into individual or public awareness via conventional communication means.
Photon Talk: The use of light to signal back and forth with ET spacecraft as a simple, preliminary way of communicating.
Planetary Life Forms: Non-anthropomorphic intelligent beings identified with an entire planetary body; for example, the Earth as Gaia, an intelligent, awake being that is the entire planet Earth, as a living organism. Other planetary bodies, as well as solar and galactic bodies are thought to be individual conscious organisms.
POC: Point of Contact
Postcognition: The ability to perceive, via non-local mind, distant past events not personally experienced by the perceiver.
Precognition: The ability to perceive, via non-local mind, probable events of the future.
Precognitive Dream: A form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person dreams of information about future places or events before they happen.
Primary Vectoring: Attracting an ET spacecraft to a research site by predetermined protocols utilizing light, sound and thought.
Project Starlight: Renamed The Disclosure Project, it was born from CSETI with the goal to de-classify and disclose all information on extraterrestrial-related issues the U.S. government has classified and kept secret.
Pure Mind/One Mind: The ultimate state of oneness; any conscious life form may be experienced or perceived as pure, unbounded mind; by definition, every conscious life form is essentially non-local, pure mind. Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT): A CSETI group of researchers and scientists who are “on call” to rapidly respond to significant ETI/ETS activity.
Remote Viewing: A parapsychological skill that allows the “viewer” to receive detailed visual information about events, places and people (regardless of space or time) without physically seeing it.
RMIT: Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team
Secondary Vectoring: Using light patterns to signal directly to a craft once it has been sighted.
SOBEPS: Belgium’s principal UFO research organization.
TAC: Technology Assisted Consciousness
Technology Assisted Consciousness (TAC): Technologies that augment, project or assist an individual or group‟s consciousness or thought.
Telekinesis: The ability to move an object through observable space via interface between subtle, non-local mind and a comparable aspect of an object.
Telepathy: The ability to send and/or receive thought from one intelligent being to another.
Teleportation: The ability to move or manifest an object a substantial distance via nonlocal mind and the non-local aspect of matter, which negates the linear aspect of space.
Thought (Causal) Beings: Originate from the Earth or non-Earth origin. They are deceased previously biological humans, deceased ET biological life forms or are beings from the astral or causal realms.
Thought (Causal) Body Presentation: The perception of another biological life form in its most subtle individual aspect, the thought essence “body,‟ which may be projected without either biological or astral body components.
Transmutation: The ability to convert one material object to a different element or object using the subtle interface of mind and non-local matter.
UFO: Unidentified Flying Object
UFO Wave: Multiple UFO sightings in a specific geographic area over a relatively short period of time. Also called a “flap.”
UFO Flap: Multiple UFO sightings in a specific geographic area over a relatively short period of time. Also called a “wave.”
Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPS): A classified, compartmentalized, unacknowledged military/defense project requiring special access even for those with a top secret clearance. Otherwise known by the term “black projects.”Unity Consciousness: As in God Consciousness, but perception extends to the realization of Unbounded Mind in/through/as every aspect of relative existence.
USAPS: Unacknowledged Special Access Projects
Vectoring: Guiding a spacecraft into an area to engage them in a peaceful, cooperative exchange using lights, sounds and thought.
WG: Working group
Working Group (WG): A research team comprised of a dedicated group of people committed to engaging in Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind and furthering a peaceful and mutually beneficial relationship between humans and ETI. The group is centered around the premise that extraterrestrial spacecraft are present in our atmosphere and can be interacted with by teams who use a set of protocols and a set of principles to assist them in their goals.
Xenophobia: Fear or contempt of that which is foreign or unknown.