Making Contact - An Overview
Assembling a Team
While contact work can certainly be done alone, it is even more effective if you can assemble a small group of like-minded people in your local area who wish to pursue this work with you. There are several studies proving that the power of meditation is actually amplified when more people take part. This also applies to contact work. It is important when assembling a team to make sure everyone is on the same page with regards to their reasons for doing the work, and has a healthy, non-fearful approach to the subject in general.
You can use materials from this guide to help educate those who are new to the subject. Ideally, you should also interview all prospective team members before doing field work, to ensure that no one is bringing predefined expectations, misinformation or fear to the work.
Finding a Location
It is important to find a location that is relatively silent and free from distractions, as contact work requires the ability to achieve a relaxed, quiet state of mind. An ideal spot would be one which is close to nature, free from city lights and noise, and with a wide, unobstructed view of the night sky. Once you find a good spot, if you have a team, arrange your chairs in an inward-facing circle. This will allow your group to maintain a view in all directions. Please review the Working Group manual for more information, and also listen to the CE-5 initiative mp3 file (or CD) in the working group materials.
Meditation is central to making contact. It has been found that the realm of consciousness is common to all beings throughout the universe, and as such, it acts as a safe and effective medium through which to initiate contact. You don’t have to be experienced with meditation to be effective in making contact. The important thing is that you are sincere in your intentions to make peaceful contact, and that you do your best to quiet your mind and relax your body. The recorded guided meditations included in this working group kit provide a great way to get started with meditation while doing contact work at the same time. They should be played such that everyone in your group can hear them, and should be followed by several minutes of silent meditation.
Once you and your team have meditated and reached a calm, relaxed state, it is important to project your peaceful intentions to any nearby E.T. beings. Let them know that you would like them to manifest in some way, if it is safe for them to do so. Also, let them know what you feel you are ready to experience in terms of their mode of manifestation.
Star Charts, Celestial Events, Moon Phase
Please make sure you stay aware of timings of celestial events such as meteor showers. Astronomy web sites such as are good places to get this information.
Use the Heaven’s Above web site to get a chart of satellites that will be going over you during your field work times, including Iridium Flares. There could be other sources of this information, including some smart phone applications.
It’s best to go out near the new moon dates, when the moon is not out to shine in your eyes and interfere with night vision. You can get this information from calendars and online at web sites including here.
Star charts are available at:,, and others.
Gathering Equipment
You should bring a portable chair for each team member, such as a camping chair or a plastic patio chair. You should also bring adequate clothing for spending several hours outdoors at night. Keep in mind that your body will get much colder when sitting still for long periods of time, so bring warm clothing as needed. Also, bring adequate food and drink if you plan to be out for several hours. Alcohol and drugs should be avoided. A good pair of binoculars is useful for viewing aerial or otherwise distant phenomena, and a laser pointer is helpful both for signaling and for pointing out objects when working in a group although should use should be minimized. It can be helpful if several team members bring iPhones equipped with the CSETI Field Tool, since there are multiple tools that can be used simultaneously. However, it is certainly not a requirement. Other detectors; Magnetometer (trifield meter), radar detector, compass.
See the Equipment List for a complete list of equipment.
Coherent Thought Sequencing
The non-linear nature of consciousness makes it possible to view distant places and times without moving anywhere. The military and the CIA have had an interest in this phenomenon for years, and refer to the practice as remote viewing.This same phenomenon has proven extraordinarily useful for initiating contact with E.T. beings. CSETI has developed a specific technique of remote viewing referred to as Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS). This technique involves entering a state of heightened consciousness through meditation, and then projecting images with your mind to show any nearby E.T. visitors exactly where you are located on the Earth. Several of the guided meditations included in these working group materials provide a walkthrough of this technique, and are extremely useful for use during contact work. A good one to start with is the Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) meditation, which begins with a lecture on CTS, followed by a guided meditation.
Start by projecting an image of yourself from hundreds of feet above your location. Then, travel up to several miles above your location. Appreciate what the landscape would look like, and any city lights that a visitor would see from that height. Continue to rise higher and higher, projecting images of what you would see if you were at the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere, still looking down on your location. Then, as if you were well above the Earth looking down onto it. Then travel to the outer parts of the solar system, then outside the galaxy, always looking back towards the Earth in our spiral arm of the Milky Way. Then go far into deep space, looking at the Milky Way from a distance.
Then reverse the process, projecting what you would see from your location in deep space, then at the edge of the Milky way, then at the edge of the solar-system, then outside the Earth’s atmosphere, and finally zoom down to your precise location on the Earth. Project the thought that you would like any E.T.’s who pick up on these thoughts to come visit your location, and manifest in whatever way is safe and appropriate for them.
This sequence of thoughts and images projected using your consciousness can be used to vector in E.T. craft. Be patient- this technique has proven successful on hundreds of occasions, but there are also countless reasons why it may be unsafe for visitors to manifest physically. They will also do so only if they feel you are truly ready and are not projecting fear.
Observing and Recording
If you feel it is appropriate, you can film, photograph, take notes, or just enjoy the experience. In any case, be sure to let any visitors know how much you appreciate them going out of their way to manifest in any way for you, as it is often difficult and dangerous for them to do so.