All of the Ambassador to the Universe trainings are similar. All participants are expected to complete and return liability release, confidentiality agreement and Ambassador Agreement, which will be sent after they have paid and registered.

Daily Schedule*

Arrival Date

If possible arrive in the area the day before the training begins to adjust to the time zone.

Training Start Date

  • There is no afternoon lecture session the first day, but we will meet for a group dinner at around 6:00 PM . It is important not to miss this dinner.
  • Dr. Greer will be there to welcome and orient everyone.
  • We will go out for our first night of field work right after dinner, from about 8:30 pm to midnight or 1 am, so please have all of your warm clothes, field gear, and equipment prepared in your room so you can quickly change to meet at the field work site.
  • Approximately 2 am to 10 am – Sleep. (It is often helpful to have a sleeping mask and/or sound machine with you.)

Rest of the Week

  • 11 am – noon – Meditation Practice / Remote Viewing on your own
  • noon – 2 pm – Exercise and Brunch/lunch – on your own or with group if at a retreat center
  • 2 pm – 5:30 or 6 pm: Dr. Greer will be teach remote viewing, update on Disclosure and New Energy. People will share experiences from the previous night’s field work.. Sessions will start ON TIME.
  • 6 pm – 7:00 pm – Evening rest and private Meditation
  • 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Dinner on your own or with group if at a retreat center
  • 8:30 pm – 1:00 am – Outdoor Night Field Work and Contact Protocols at a Field Site
  • 2:00 am – 10:00 am – Sleep/Rest

Departure Date

Departures by Checkout Time – there will be no training sessions this day. Please schedule your flights for later in the day to allow time to get enough sleep on the last morning since we will be out late the night before.



It is best to have your field gear prepped so that after a group dinner at around 6:00 PM you can quickly put on your warm clothing (layers are best), get your chair and other equipment and meet at the site. People need to bring their own chairs. Please see the equipment list. The most important things to have are layers of warm clothing and your chair.

Other equipment is interesting and fun, but optional.

That first night out in the field is basically an orientation and introduction in preparation for the rest of the week. The other afternoons the sessions are from 2 pm – 5:30 or 6 pm. These sessions with Dr. Greer are comprehensive and fascinating. They will start on time.

The contact protocols are based on non-local mind, which is accessed via a form of meditation chosen by each person. The cosmology described includes the concept of non-locality, and a working hypothesis of how the ETs could travel here, that would also explain the anomalous behavior observed and contact experiences people have had. The intent in contact is to welcome the ETs with a sense of love and openness.

Each night we go out for the field work around 8:30 pm until after midnight or 1 a.m. depending on what people are sensing and how they feel. The group sets up chairs to form a circle, so we can see each other and all directions.

On the final day there are no scheduled meetings and everyone is free to make their own plans but we encourage people to schedule their flights late enough to be get enough sleep after being out late the last night of the training.

*This schedule is for full training days and is subject to change pending Contact events and other emerging circumstances. This is a general idea of what the schedule is like for our retreats. This is not the exact schedule for any particular retreat.

Materials to study before the Expedition

You will get the most from the expedition if you have prepared by reading Dr. Greer’s books, listened to the CDs and studied the CE5 Contact App (IOS or Android) or watch the Vimeo workshops.

Materials To Study