Frequently Asked Questions

This is not precisely known, but it is possible we have been observed for a very long time. Certainly, during and since World War II there has been an increase in sightings and encounters. It appears that these ET visitors are quite concerned with warfare and especially the development and use of nuclear weapons. In a mere 100 years, human technology went from horse and buggies to early space travel and nuclear weapons. This apparently is of some concern to them, for obvious reasons.

While some people may have had contact of various sorts, there is no evidence that anyone has been harmed or any violence committed to humans. There is evidence that these ET visitors have been concerned with the damage to the Earth’s biosphere and environment and perhaps – by extension – to the fortunes of humanity as a biological species. It appears that they have been studying these issues as the world has industrialized using technologies that cause damage to not only the Earth but also human genetic damage.

There is no evidence that this is the case. Certainly, there have been reports of close encounters for decades however.

Certain classified operations within many countries – some working together – have known of this for decades. Recently, the French and British governments have released thousands of previously classified pages of reports and investigations of encounters. It has been studied and the secrecy was as much out of uncertainty as anything. But now it is known to the world and we must look to those who have expertise in this area to assist us in educating the people of the world. There are many great leaps in science possible through these studies, especially in the area of energy generation and propulsion.

Any new technology can be used for conflict. And this is why it is imperative that all the people of the Earth must unite and vow to use this knowledge only for peace – and restrain by any means necessary anyone who would use it for conflict or warfare. We can unite to do this and thereby ensure that this new physics is used only for the good – and in the process create a peaceful, abundant, just and sustainable civilization on Earth. Only then can we go into space as a suitable civilization and take our place among the family of advanced planetary civilizations in the Universe.

Not at all. The fact other beings exist in the cosmos only adds to the glory of a Supreme Being. He has created a universe teeming with life and other intelligent life forms- with whom we have more in common than our differences will ever be. For we can see that all such intelligent life forms possess awareness, intelligence – a soul. Are we not then more like them than different? The concept of ‘Man’ then takes on a universal dimension – which only adds to the power and beauty of the Great Being.

After over 60 years of documented contact and encounters, there is no evidence that any place on Earth has been attacked. There is no evidence whatsoever that these civilizations have any intent other than a peaceful one. They are, however, concerned with our tendency to create wars using potentially world – destroying weapons of mass destruction. If we solve the problems on Earth, it appears that they will welcome us with open arms into the family of advanced planetary civilizations. We must set our irrational fears aside and go with hope into this future.